I forgot to mention that I got my hair cut! :) Here's me & Naomi outside enjoying the sun.
Well, it's that time of year again. Here's the man who makes it all happen. Out raking the yard, getting rid of trash & leaves. I don't know, but it must be the long winters we endure that get us so excited about gardening & beautifying our little piece of land/heaven.
This is a "before" pic of the hanging baskets of petunias. At the end of the summer I'll post another pic, and you'll see how much they grow! They'll be hanging all over the place.
Travis planted these tulips last fall for me :). They are looking beautiful!
Here's the rows all started. This is only a third of the garden, though. These seedling are being watered by drip hose. There's lettus, swiss schard, spinach, kale, beets, radishes, carrots, kohlrabi, peas, potatoes (a lot!!), and eventually cabbage, broccoli & cauliflower.
Enjoy the summer!