THis year for THankgiving the Lowell's (Gary and Mary) invited everyone to the Institute for our feast. It was really fun! THere were crafts for the kids and Mario Cart and GAry was even able to use his resources as an Institute Director to share a spiritual message. It was crazy in the kitchen and I entertained Hannah with some spoons on the floor. When cousin Samuel came he joined her. This cute picture was the only one I ended up taking.
Parley was so excited about wearing a SAnta hat to school the other day and even put on a matching red shirt so I had to take a picture. Also look at this cool sunset from our backyard.
By the way if anyone has more THanksgiving pictures can they please post them? (Nettie too)
Unfortunately I did not take any Thanksgiving pictures. I know, I know, I've become a little lax w/the picture taking, sorry everyone. I'll put up a post soon w/some recent pictures.
BTW love the pix Mary, so cute!!
I took a ton of pictures, but I don't think I'll be able to post them before I get back next week.
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