Thursday, December 9, 2010

Naomi Can Pull Herself up to Stand!!

Yes, Naomi can officially pull herself up to a standing position. The first time it happened, she was in her crib when the side bar was always down for easy access. I walked in to find her holding onto the top bar standing up! I thought, oh I better put that bar up now, or she'll be falling out!!
Then the dishwasher the other day (pictures below) she was helping unload, tho they were dirty, I didn't complain. I took pictures instead.
And here she is on the box. I just took this box down from the attic the other day to get out more 2yr old boy clothes. I left it there, not sure if I was ready to put it away. Well, she found it, and it's her favorite form of entertainment right now! I'm thinking it's gonna stay for a while. In this picture she is just getting up.

The dishwasher picture. She was enjoying getting silverware out. She's stealing some here, see her stretching her little arm! It's sooo cute!
Smiles, on her knees. She's been doing the knee thing for a while.
Trayton always wants to get in on the pictures.

Tracker & Naomi, sooo cute!

Her baby spoon and good smiles. She doesn't smile much, not for pictures anyway. But she's always happy and content. I figured it out when someone mentioned it to me. With the boys they would get frustrated at this age when sometimes they saw something they wanted, but they couldn't get it because they weren't mobile. The only reason Naomi cries is when she's fallen down from the step or standing up. She's ALL OVER the place!!

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