Saturday, June 11, 2011

Kenai River Festival

Today was the annual Kenai River Festival here in Soldotna. Lots of fun free kid stuff to do, plus live music, expensive food, and locally made stuff to buy. Here is Tustin sporting his face painting and rocket he made. He chose a rainbow for his cheek. The rocket will be shot up into the air with an air pumper thingy they've got.

Trayton and his rocket, he has a spider on his cheek. You can see the guy with the pump working there on the bottom left.
Naynay has a pink butterfly on her cheek. :)

Tracker has his rocket and a dragonfly on his cheek.

Fish faces!! This was at the entrance of the festival.

So, this morning I ran the "Run for the River" 10 miler. I thought I'd run a 9:15 min/mile pace or slower, but I came in at 1 hour and 23 min!! That means it was 8:30min/mile pace!! Woohoo!! Thanks to Travis' Aunt Alydia for giving me some training pointers, I was able to strengthen my pace. Getting ready for my 1/2 marathon next week!

These are some friends of mine who ran today also. Gina, the girl next to me, ran the 10 miler (she also took our family photos a couple years ago), and Jamie, her sister, ran the 5k. Jamie is also my visiting teaching partner, and the beehive counselor (I'm the beehive advisor).

Cute Tracker on the tramp. This kid is so cute, and I forget sometimes. He's always getting into mischief and doing messy things, that I forget how sweet and cute he is! It won't be long and he'll be out of the cute stage, I better stop overlooking the cuteness.

Tustin riding his bike!!

Naomi and Tracker ready to go on a bike ride.

Trayton riding his bike with the handlebars backwards. He was pretty excited about that.

This is the before picture, when our bike trailer was busted. Completely snapped apart in 4 places. Travis got a "holt" of it, drilled some holes, and bolted it back together. He's so amazing!! I love him.

And here's the hightunnel. It still looks like this. He's almost ready to put the board around it.

And a special thanks to Gramma Kathy who came with us and helped watch the kiddos. I couldn't have done it without her. Or, we couldn't have had a stress-free, fun time, without her. :)

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