Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ballet and the Aurora

I love watching the northern lights. It is truly a beautiful sight. I got a new camera that I am able to take pictures of it with. These are the first ones, so they aren't great. Now I know how to take clearer pictures of the aurora without camera shake, so the next ones will be better! Now I just have to wait for a clear night so we can see them again. :) It's my winter time addiction.

Green is the most common color to see, so having the pink in there was pretty neat.

The girls are back in ballet again for the fall. Rebekah truly loves it. I love how serious she is and how hard she concentrates on doing everything right while she is there. They all love to play classical music and dance to it at home. Lizzie was pretty excited to be joining them this time. Two classes = 3 hours straight every Friday for us. If all the girls do ballet in the spring it will be 3 separate classes...oh boy!

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