Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Boy's Room

So, the boy's room needed a major overhaul. We don't vacuum it too much because we don't really have a vacuum. And Travis wants the same kind Rachel & Henry have, so we really need to save up for that!!
Anywho, I usually pick up all the furniture & move it to get underneath it. As you can tell, there ain't much floor when the furniture is left where it's at. I'd always thought of the boy's room as non-changeable. But I was thinking the carpet underneath the boy's mattress needed some air, since it doesn't have a frame.
This first picture is from the outside of the room looking in. I move through the pictures in a clockwise manner.
That's the boy's bed, which used to be in the same direction, but on the wall to the right.
This is Tracker's bed, the crib. It's now where the boy's bed used to be.
This is the toy box, and Tracker's crib was here, and in the next picture.

The crib was against this wall, lengthwise. Just barely making it for the door to close.

Here's the other side of the door.

And again, the boy's bed, where the toy box used to be, under the window. I would have taken a picture of the window up higher, but my camera ran out of batteries.
And I can't access the video recorder because one button is busted! I feel like returning my camera, but not sure if I can.


Little Holts said...

I love to rearrange our furniture! It always makes me feel so happy when I'm done. The boys room looks good. I thought you guys use to have bunk beds?

Travis'wife said...

No bunk beds, but we are thinking about it. Eventually.