Monday, February 1, 2010

Three (5) Musketeers

We have "big breakfast Saturday" every Saturday. It's the only day of the week that we eat something besides oatmeal or cereal, and we cook tons of food. The kids love it (and so do we!). This is what I woke up to a few Saturdays ago. All of our children love to help cook and always want in on the action.

Here are our 5 Musketeers. We had just watched Barbie and the Three Musketeers. Sounds like fun...I know you all want to watch it too!

Rebekah likes to be a little mother and she is so prissy sometimes. Anyway, she took it upon herself the other morning to do Lizzie's hair after her bath. This is what she came up with. They were both so proud of it when they came out of the bathroom, and Bekah was so happy to have helped me out. Lizzie wore her hair like that most of the day.


A little more Luz said...

I love the hair it is so cute! I can't wait until we have a bigger family, and samuel is a little older! I can't wait to see what kind of things he'll do!

Travis'wife said...

Way cute! What a big sister Rebekah is!
I was wanting to see some pictures of food, you had my mouth watering.
LOve the new Valentines set up. Thanks Tiff!