Monday, March 15, 2010

Hannah is 2!

So I got creative with my cake this time inspired by Tiffany and her super-cute cakes and by our R.S. cooking group cupcake night. Hannah loves Elmo. This cupcake cake was actually pretty simple and it was nice just pickiing up a cupcake instead of having to slice a cake. As for the video: you may remember me torturing Hannah last time trying toget her to blow out the candles. Well, to avoid that she had some practice with Gramma Nancy and was so excited she blew itout before we finished singing. Oh yeah, about the candle. I really thought we had a "2" but we didn't so we used a "5" uspsidedown with another candle behind it to light.


Travis'wife said...

How fun! What a yummy looking cake. Great job, Mary! My mouth is watering now.

Little Holts said...

Great job on the cake! Super cute. Happy birthday Hannah! I can't believe she's already two. Oh, and if you hadn't mentioned that the 2 was really a five I would never have known.