Monday, March 15, 2010

So far today

This morning has been great. With the time change I was able to wake up a few hours before the kids and get things done. Hooray!

So far Sariah and Lizzie have found the camera and had lots of fun. Jacob helped me put another coat of paint on Lizzie's birthday present, I finished Lizzie's Easter outfit, and it's only 11:3o!

This is the best picture Sariah took out of 90 that she put on the camera this morning. She took very detailed pictures of their bathroom. I'll spare you from looking through those! 80 pictures of a very outdated bathroom that is mostly brown tile is something I'm sure you can live without.

Lizzie actually managed to get a decent picture of Joseph and Sariah. No heads chopped off, and it's practically in focus!

And here is where I found Simeon this morning. He LOVES the bathtub!


Travis'wife said...

Haha! That's funny! Trayton has been going through a "camera" phase. He begs me to use the camera, and takes some real interesting pictures. I started telling him he needs to take pictures of people, and I ended up with butt pictures. He's taken some semi-decent ones of me & Tustin & Tracker though. A lot with me on the computer!
Glad you were able to get so many things accomplished. But I'm a little confused on how you woke up early, when the time change made it earlier anyway? Oh, the kids slept in?

Little Holts said...

Jacob was looking at the pictures I added tonight, and he realized that the picture of Sariah and the mirror is like the celestial room, only with a dirty, child finger print smeared mirror. Reflections on eternity....I'll be cleaning forever!