Thursday, January 21, 2010

Christmas time & my Pregno Belly!

This is a picture of me and Samuel waiting for the Christmas Parade to start. Vista always does their Christmas parade at 1pm, probably to have better weather. It started sunny and ended up being ridiculously freezing. At the end of the parade it even started to sprinkle. This was a little bit of a problem for us because we walked to the parade route, and had to hurry home. This is a picture of Samuel on Christmas morning. He wouldn't put down his golf club or balls for a long time. We had to convince him to open the rest of his presents. We should have just saved the golf clubs for last.

This is Samuel all snug in his pjs. Isn't he sooooo cute!

This is my amazingly large belly!

I like this picture because it really shows how big my belly is and how skinney the rest of me is. I am carrying the baby completely different this time.


Little Holts said...

You are carrying the baby completely different this time. You look so great!

Travis'wife said...

How did you carry last time? I need to see pictures to compare.

MaryLue said...

You are so huge! I can tell I havn't seen you for a while. Wow I just realized it's getting close to baby time for everyone! hooray!