Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cloth Diapers!

Well, I've finally done it. I've been thinking about it ever since I was pregnant with Tracker, and now it's official. Tracker is wearing his cloth diaper right now. It took some convincing with Travis, but he's agreed to just be quietly supportive. :) It took many conversations & advice from Tiffany and much research on the internet, but we're here.
According to a diaper calculator Tiffany directed me ot on the internet, we will have saved a little under $1000 after a year of use and it will be good for the environment, and probably his skin too. Potty training may also be a bit easier because he can feel when he's wet more efficiently. Those are some of the reasons I've decided to switch.

Here Trayton is taking the picture. He's been showing a lot of desire in taking pictures on my camera. We usually end up with a lot of random pictures of our house & furniture, so I convinced him to just take pictures of people.
Tracker crawling around with his new dipe set-up. Tracker thinks this is what he's supposed to do when I ask him to smile.

Cute bum.

Here it is from the front. He's such a cute muscle man.
Anyway, just thought I'd let you know, Tracker now wears cloth diapers!

1 comment:

Little Holts said...

I love the way babies look in cloth diapers and covers. Tracker is such a cutie, and Jacob is impressed that Trayton managed to take such a good picture of you guys.