Friday, September 26, 2008

The Moose!

Well, I have had quite a few requests to post some more pix of the Kellers in Alaska. So I've got a collection again. I never stop snapping pix!

Tracker recently graduated into his Johnny Jump-up. He's getting so big. I also got a pic on his belly to show how strong he is! Now on w/the moose kill... Travis recently came home from his hunting trip in Fairbanks, Alaska way up north. He got this humongous moose weighing over 1600 lbs and antlers measuring 53 inches across. We are still in the process of putting up the meat. We'll be jarring half of it since we probably won't have enough room in our freezer for it. We'll be doing this for the next 3 days I'm sure.

Tustin is so excited, he's even helping Travis cut the moose. Mmmm (not! I'm about to gag here!) Trayton & Tustin are becoming such buds, they really love to play together, yea!!

Travis' Dad and Grampa came up for a week not too long ago. We had 5 extra people in our little 800 sqft home. So none of you ever hesitate to visit us and stay in our house, haha! Anyway, above is the 4 generation pic of the boys. And to the left is the moose antlers. Travis can't be himself w/out showing a little red on his neck, so he put the antlers on the roof of his truck for the 9 hour drive home. (You might be a redneck if...) Well, we're all doing well as you can see! We love you all. Kellers

1 comment:

MaryLue said...

Wow those are some antlers!