Sunday, October 25, 2009

Primary Program

Today was the Primary program for our ward. We memorized lines this week and had all the kids clean and on time to church. Yeah! Everyone came out of class happy. Yeah! We made it through most of sacrament with no fuss. Yeah! But it never fails...anytime Rebekah is supposed to go on the stand for any reason she gets upset. Jacob and I have talked about this many times. We talked about it last night hoping today would be the day she managed to cheerfully submit to getting up there and participate happily. It so did not happen. Today it was because Joseph kicked her in the mouth. Somehow he manged to accidentally kick her in the mouth while they were both sitting next to each other facing the front and both of them were fairly reverent. Up till that moment she was happy to go up there and do her part and sing. Sigh...I just hope by the time she is in young womens we will have gotten one good performance out of her. She did say her lines, but she wouldn't stand up for the songs, and she wouldn't sing even though she knows all the songs. Oh well. Sariah and Joseph on the other hand had a blast. Sariah was singing so loud she had her teacher cracking up on the stand and Joseph sang along even though he didn't know much of the songs. He looked like something out of a foreign film where the mouth is moving, but it's just not matching up with the words. He was singing something, but it sure wasn't what everyone else was singing. Man, I love our kids! They make life so fun! Hope you guys are having an awesome Primary program like ours!

1 comment:

The Kellers said...

So, Sariahs one of those loud singers!! Wish I could've heard her. And Bekah's just the oppisite. Funny. Glad you're enjoying it.