Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Birthday month

Rebekah wanted a real birthday party this year with friends. I of course waited until the last minute to get most everything! And then most of the kids families called at the last minute to say they couldn't make it. Thankfully the one friend that Rebekah really wanted to have come was able to make it! We had a pool party, but it had rained a few days before, and the cover came off the pool with all the wind, so all that cold rain water made the pool freezing! Oh it was cold. All the kids were shivering.

Eating pie on Rebekah's actual birthday. We celebrated it on Saturday. I love pictures of Simeon eating. He always looks so pleased with the world when he is eating.

Me and my huge stomach. And Simi of course! I'm huge. Look, even my toes are fat little things. I can't wait to have this baby...and lose all the weight! Only one more week to go hopefully. I'll take anything less than that too!

Kids FREEZING in the pool. Ava (in the blue suit) was begging for hot chocolate when she got out. It's nearly 80 degrees here! In her defense, the rain really did freeze the pool. It was so nice before that.

Lizzie loves the rafts we got Bekah for her birthday. She is not quite so in love with swimming yet. It makes her pretty nervous. However, she's doing far better than Joseph. He won't hardly get in the pool, and when he does he's terrified. What is up with that?

Rebekah asked for a rainbow cake. It was all white on the outside. Hehe...it was fun to hear all the kids gasp when the saw the inside of the cake. And it was nice to not be decorating the cake for an hour to make it look cool. AND I didn't have to make twenty different color frostings. So nice! And easy.

This boy loves to eat!

The birthday girl

Ava, one of our neighbors and friends from church helping Lizzie with the pinata. That thing was SO heavy! Easter candy was super cheap, and I think I bought a little too much!

Our favorite Joseph
The stash. It was mostly chocolate. I'm sure you can all appreciate that!


A little more Luz said...

I know why Joseph doesn't like to swim! do you remember when we went to ma white's to swim and he fell in? I think he somehow still remembers...

Little Holts said...

Yep, the same thing happened when we went swimming at your apartment complex, and someone pushed him in last summer when we went to the springs. I'm sure that has something to do with it, but I was hoping he would be over it by this summer.

Travis'wife said...

Happy Birthday Rebekah!! :) What a big girl. Wow. Beautiful rainbow cake. If you say that is easy, than I don't know much about cake making!!
Seeing all these April birthdays makes me real curious to see when our babies will come!! I'm actually hoping I don't have a May baby. I really want Mom to be able to meet Naomi. :)

Little Holts said...

You better have an April baby! Don't even make me nervous like that!

Travis'wife said...

Why would that make you nervous? It's very possible, but I'm feeling it might be different this time around, but not too different.