Friday, April 16, 2010

John Bryson Holt

Weighing in at 8lbs 11oz John Bryson Holt joined the Little Holts after keeping his parents up all night, he is getting started already. Tiffany started feeling contractions at 7:00 pm on the 13th and because he didn't want to share a birthday he was finally born at 6:28 am on the 14th. He is average height for his family at 20" and is being a pretty good little baby up to this point.
The three boys already got together with the hope that now being three they can hold their ground with the girls. Joseph doesn't quite know what to think but mentioned he didn't get to hold the baby we we left after an hour visit with mom on the 14th.

Lizzie can't keep her hands off baby John but she is very soft. This is the first picture with all the Holt kids together. Keeping with the pattern John is unique in appearance but we are waiting to determine resemblance he might have to his siblings. John does look a little like Elizabeth.


MaryLue said...

You guys, we are so excited for you! What a blessing that he is healthy and all went well. I especially love the picture of all the kids gathered around looking at baby John. I was just wondering (because I assume Tiff wasn't able to do it) who did the girls' hair? Cute!

Travis'wife said...

Yay!! I love the pictures, I'm so glad you guys were able to post so soon. I also love the pic with all the kids surrounded by the boys. It makes me soooo impatient & excited! I love the 3 boys together too, reminds me of my boys.

I was just talking with Trayton and we were counting the boys & girls in your family. Then I asked him how many girls we will have and he had to think. I told him one, and he said "I want another one". Ha!!

Congratulations! I'm so happy for your little family!

A little more Luz said...

I can't believe you have six kids already! I am also surprised that they let all your kids come to see the baby. they wouldn't let Sam come to see Matthew. but I was cool about it. congratulations.