Saturday, April 3, 2010

Saturday Session

Conference was today as you all know. We had a fun time. We had an Easter egg hunt with friends and neighbors in between sessions, and the priesthood has an ice cream social before the priesthood session, so Jacob is there now enjoying dessert and listening to the talks.

The comment that stuck out the most to me was during the first session. The kids were all having a hard time calming down and we couldn't hear much at first. Then, I don't remember who it was right now, said something to the effect of you can feel the Spirit even when your children are clamoring for your attention. I had to laugh at that one. It was very appropriate for the moment for us. The other thing that stuck out to me was how what separates us from the devil is our work. Even the devil and his legions fear the Lord. I know I don't have the quote exactly right, but Jacob wrote that one down for me, and he took his book with him to the session tonight.

What things stuck out to you guys? I love hearing what things stuck out to everyone.


Travis'wife said...

That's neat you head those things, because I don't remember hearing them!
But today I liked the one about mother-love and the story of the calves in the shade. Oooh, and Elders Hales teaching moments one. "Are you there, Grampa?"

Travis'wife said...

I also liked L. Tom Perry's talk on teaching children in the home & David Bednar's 3 spiritual habits. I need to work on spontaneous testimony. But I wasn't sure what he meant by acting on not being acted upon. I get the concept, but how do you teach that?

Also Neil L. Anderson mentioned that no assignments are made when it comes to conference talks, I didn't realize that! I've wondered, and it truly is a miracle that they're all so different.

I think I could keep going, but I better let others give their input.