Saturday, November 6, 2010

Our baby chicks

Travis built me an awesome chicken coop while they were vacationing here in CA. We have finished painting it and putting on the flashing and attaching the caged yard. We went and picked out 12 chickens. We have 3-Buff orpington 3-Bard Rock 3-Black Australorp and 3-Ameraucana. There are three nesting boxes and 4 hens will lay in one box. They said at the store we could come and trade them back if we find we have a rooster instead of a hen. They all lay brown, pinkish brown or blue eggs. so COOL!!!
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Little Holts said...

Rebekah says, "Cool! I wish I could go see them at Gramma's house!"

Travis'wife said...

They are so cute! I love the beautifully painted coop! Great job you guys.