Tuesday, November 16, 2010

pictures of Matt!

This past weekend I went to a wedding of my friend PJ Shumway(high school band and girls camp buddy) If was a very small wedding. My other good friend Erica Clodig was there. She had agreed to take the wedding pictures for PJ as a favor, without any back ground in photography. That being the case, half way through the reception I stole the camera, and started taking pictures! needless to say these are some of the pictures I took! yea... lol


A little more Luz said...

by the way Henry and Sam stayed home. that is why I didn't take any pics of them.

Travis'wife said...

Wait a minute, you took pictures of Matthew for someone else's wedding? Nice...
Matt is pretty stinkin' cute tho!

A little more Luz said...

it was a really small wedding party with a reception imeadiately following it.