Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Santa Clause

Well, my friend Nikiesha Richards & I just got back from visiting w/Santa at the local fire station. It was super fun. We got there too late to see Santa riding in on the fire truck, and to see the lighting of a big Christmas tree. But, thanks to a friend, we knew the secret to getting in the front of the Santa line in order to not have to wait an hour or more. We were family #5 in line, I believe out of 100 at least.
So we all took a picutre together w/Santa & Trayton gave Santa his Christmas list-eek. I never remember doing that as a child (if I did it was to Mom). and I think I like it that way, cause then they are just thinking of themselves & what they want for Christmas. Anyway they each got a bag w/gloves, a christmas bendy toy & a candy cane. Then we went to get some goodies- which there were a TON! We each got several cookies & some hot cocoa. All free!
Then we went outside to leave and saw that they were giving hay rides on a big flat bed semi. So we had to get a ride and sing "Dashing thru the Snow" It was a bit frightening, I thought I would fall off whenever it turned. Then we went and got a big picture next to the lighted Christmas tree outside & my feet got soaked from the snow.
All in all, it was a wonderful experience & I believe we'll have to keep up this tradition every year. Here's some pictures.
Standing in front of the lighted Christmas tree.
We got a close up of Santa as he walked in the door to go sit down.

Trayton getting on the hay ride.

Probably our best picture w/Santa. He's reading Trayton's list.

This would have been good, but my stinken camera likes to take blurry pictures.

Yay for kids to make Christmas exciting again!!!!

I forgot to mention that the local newspaper- Clarion, was there taking pictures & asked for our names as he wrote them down. So we may have our picture in the newspaper tomorrow! And they'll most deffinitely have a decent picture.


MaryLue said...

if your in the paper scan it and put iton the blog! Do you know I still have never even seen snow fall? Well maybe when I wa really little, but I don't remember.

The Kellers said...

Well, we didn't end up being in the paper, darn. Oh well.
I remember when I could say that same thing about snow. But deffinitely not anymore. There's a lot of things that I've now done that most people can't living up here in Alaska. But that goes the same for most everywhere, we all have our perks.