Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Samuel with a camera!

There are a lot more where these came from. I was sitting on the bed with Samuel and Matthew. Samuel had the camera, and some how firgured out how to turn it on. So I thought nows as good time as ever to teach him how to use it. He took this picture of me and Matthew and several others that pointed more towards the ceiling.
Samuel eating dinner with me and matt, than he quietly excused himself and went upstairs. when I got upstairs sam had the camera, and sitting in the room with Carlos taking radom pictures. Wow I have a little photographer. I guess this means it's time to put the camera higher!
There were around 20 like this. Samuel looking out the window, taking pictures of one of the nighbors playing with his dog.
this one of the pictures where he aimed to high, but it made the picture turn out pretty good.(this is the same view as the picture above)
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1 comment:

Little Holts said...

How fun! Our kids like taking pictures too. We finally got them a good camera from my brother-in-law's pawn shop. We had gotten Bekah the ones that are for kids, but the quality is so bad that you can hardly tell what is going on in the picture. I love looking at the ones the kids take of adults. It's funny to me to remember what it was like looking up at the adults that tower over kids.