Monday, June 14, 2010

Holt kiddles

Here are the "big" kids on Sunday before church. It's so hot here that my camera lens fogs over when I go from inside to outside.

This was the kids' favorite picture of John. Unfortunately it was the only one out of focus.

And here he is looking like he has a buddha belly. He really isn't that chubby. Thanks for the suggestion to get a swing Gramma! he loves it and it gives me free hands for a few hours every day. He likes to swing and watch the others run around, and he sleeps fairly well in it too. Simi thinks it's for him also. He sneaks into it as often as he can.

1 comment:

Travis'wife said...

So very cute! Love all those big kids, they're so handsome.
I look at John's face & his eyes remind me of Lizzie's.