Saturday, June 19, 2010

News and other stuff

We found out yesterday that we got Fort Wainwright. We will be moving to Fairbanks soon! Jacob has to report by mid-October. We have to get passports to move up there. Can you believe that? Before we can get our passports (even the kids have to have them!) we have to get concurrent orders, and to get that we all have to have physicals and other things done. Our passports will take from 6-8 weeks AFTER we get concurrent orders, and getting those orders will probably take several weeks after all the doctors appointments are done. We wanted to move up there right after graduation, which is September 2, but now we are just hoping that the kids and I will actually be able to travel with Jacob before October. Fun stuff! Rebekah is so excited to move to Alaska. It is so horribly hot here now, and she doesn't like heat any more than I do, maybe even less, which is saying something!

Yuck, I was just sitting here thinking how happy I am that the latest pest control treatment seems to be working. I went to change the laundry and a giant cockroach came out from under the dryer. Nettie, please tell me you don't have giant roaches in Alaska! Those things freak me out. The laundry is still sitting in the washer. It can wait until Jacob wakes up tomorrow morning. I'm not going near it now!


Travis'wife said...

No, we don't have any cockroaches! Thank goodness for that. What we do have are misquitos, knats, weevles, spiders (in the house), and carpenter ants outside- they're huge & bite. But I've never been bitten by them, so nothing to worry about, unless they eat your house, which they've been known to do. That doesn't end so well.

Well, off to Fairbanks we will be traveling! Can't wait. Can we come to your house for Christmas? Or you here, either way! We'll have a blast!

Little Holts said...

yes, yes YES! Come to our house for Christmas, or we'll come to yours! I'm so excited! Hooray! There is usually a two week "exodus" at the end of the year, so we should be able to take vacation then. And hooray for no roaches..we have spiders, mosquitos, gnats and ants also that are pretty bad and they are in the house sometimes too, so I can take that!

Travis'wife said...

Oh ya, Travis thought I should prep you on coming here during winter months. It's going to be dark and cold, and dark again. Especially in Fairbanks. I think you get maybe 2 hours of light when it gets it's shortest. 5 hours here. Lots of people get really depressed, and have their "happy light" to comfort them. You may want to look into that. :) And it gets to -40 up there most every year, for up to 2 weeks straight, sometimes. That's the kind of cold where you throw a cup of water outside & it turns to mist/snow stuff. Pretty cool, but then again not.
I'm just the messenger, okay. Now you have been forewarned.