Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's a blackhawk

Today Jacob went to aircraft selection after finishing his primary helicopter training in the army. He was happy to find that he was able to select the aircraft he had been hoping for, that is the aircraft you see above, the UH-60 (Blackhawk) helicopter made by Sikorsky helicopters.
Shown above is something Jacob will be likely doing shortly, that is flying in formation and doing cool army maneuvers. Jacob will start his training in the Blackhawk near the end of April and will be done with training in Alabama near the end of August and ready to go where the Army sends him, maybe even Alaska.


Travis'wife said...

Yay for Jacob!! Congratulations. Can't wait to see where you guys get shipped off to in August!

Little Holts said...

Haha...just read through this again, and I thought it was hilarious. I didn't write it, Jacob did. It reminded me of when Emma was little and would talk in third person all the time. Jacob says that since I'm the one that usually writes the posts it had to be that way.