Poor Joseph has been so worn out lately. Three days in a row he fell asleep somewhere besides his bed. He even put himself to bed one night this week. I couldn't find him and finally looked in his room. He was out cold an hour before 7:30 bedtime. Just before he fell asleep here he was trying to ask Jacob a question about our scripture reading, but he couldn't stay awake enough to get it out. We have several pictures of random places the boys have fallen asleep this week. Check out that shaggy hair! We did haircuts yesterday for the boys. Hooray! They look so much better now. Simeon has a weird spot where he jerked his head at the end. Oh well. That's how it works usually with at least one of them.
Lizzie is such a sweet little mother. She love taking care of "my baby John." She is so proud to tell anyone who will listen that he is her baby. Who needs baby dolls when you have your own real baby to care for, love, kiss and cuddle?
Nancy, my sister, and I are able to spend a few days together before she starts working night shifts. It's our last chance to see each other before we head off to Fairbanks. She was going to be able to be here until Thursday morning, but now she has to leave Tuesday afternoon due to a schedule change at work. Not. cool. at. all. That's life though. I'm thankful we are able to even have her here for the two days that she could make it. The kids love seeing their cousins. Joseph and Nathan got into the "anything you can do, I can do better discussion." It's pretty funny to listen to the little guys do their bragging.
Yep, that would be Joseph getting a drink of water out of the slip and slide. They were all lined up there for a while getting drinks. It's back to blazing hot once again. The kids really live in their bathing suits.
The girls have finally gotten brave enough to do a real running start on the slip and slide. Rebekah keeps forgetting to hang up her bathing suit when she changes out of it, so she made do with biker shorts and an undershirt.
Swimming anyone?
I can't beleive how blong Simi is! But I guess you do breed blonds. :) I was holding my breath looking for those sleeping pix! I was bummed.
Sometimes I forget that he is so blond, and then I put more pictures on the computer, and it reminds me how light his hair is. The front of Sariah's hair is white again from being out in the sun. Everyone is always surprised at how many kids we have with blond hair since Jacob and I are so dark.
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