Here on the Kenai Peninsula we celebrate Progress Days on Pioneer Day. Not sure what progress day is about except maybe progress in the last frontier. Anyway, it's nice because we get a parade and a little festival thingy. This year our stake primary entered in to participate in the parade as pioneers. A great way to celebrate Pioneers, show others.
I also asked a dear friend, the Thomas' to take the boys to church for me on Sunday, as I was still in no shape to leave the house. I'm very grateful my children were able to attend church, even though I couldn't. I won't explain all the gory details of my sickness, but I was having terrible belly cramps for 2 days straight & not able to keep anything down. No fun. I'm really glad that's over, almost.
Super cute of the boys on the handcarts! They are getting so big. Isn't it great to have good friends?
I swear we must have had the same thing, but mine was a little shorter. One nasty weekend!
Really? Crazy! It was the weirdest thing I've ever been through. Ya, 2 days was too much. I don't think I'm producing enough milk for Naomi. She cries after every feeding. I'm afraid she's gonna starve. I'd give her formula, but I can't find the only bottles I have in our storage. Grrr!
You can always try these if you don't really want to supplement.
They increase your milk supply. Not sure where you would get brewers yeast though.
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