Friday, July 23, 2010

Thrift store finds

I love finding great things at the thrift stores. They are great for books, games and sometimes toys. Today we scored with a game I'd never seen before for a whopping $1.50. Arch Rivalry. Rebekah loves it. She is always asking to play board games with us. This is one that doesn't last too long, and the kids get to do hands on things, which is good since they are so little.

Oh no! It's going to's still up. Yep, that was our conversation as I was taking this picture. Such a thrilling game. (no really, the kids get a kick out of it, and I get a kick out of their excitement and anticipation of the fall)

Joseph thought it was pretty fabulous, but he's still a bit heavy handed for games like this. And he has yet to figure out how to just roll the dice on the table. Do you see them flying across the table here?


Travis'wife said...

I don't do anything fun with my kids, or think of anything for them to do. But they're pretty good at coming up with their own ideas. Though some I'd rather them not participate in. Give & take.

Little Holts said...

I don't play board games with them very often because it stretches my patience to/past the breaking point nearly every time. I've been trying to find ones that are more on their level or only do it when Jacob is here so we can practice patience together. Haha..share and share alike! I haven't done a whole lot with the kids this summer, but now that school is going I'm trying to do more structured play. It saves a whole lot on messes in the house and reduces the fights majorly. It's hard to keep things going at that level all day every day though. So I burn out (like today) and let them vegg and tear apart the house and start all over again the next day.