Friday, July 2, 2010

More summer goodness

I've been playing with all the features on our camera that I never bother to mess with. When I did photography in college I knew how to use all the features on my camera and do all the manual f-stops and aperture adjustments without even thinking about it. I can't remember much now. So I decided to start relearning how to use a camera, even though it is digital. It has all kinds of neat settings, even one for taking sunset/sunrise pictures. I love summer. It's such a happy time! I love pictures like this. It makes me think of the kids in bed going to sleep, it's quiet outside and peaceful, and time to relax. Yes, summer evenings are so nice.

Breakfast today was fun. Most of the kids made a fort over the table (with all my freshly washed blankets) and had a secret breakfast.

Rebekah went with a poolside breakfast with Polly Pocket.
All in all, a great way to start the day

Jacob is taking his check ride today for his latest class. He starts instruments next week and that will last a couple weeks. After that it's night flights every night until the end of August. We're off to do some shopping today, genetian violet for John to get rid of his thrush he got this week, fun things for the 4th of July celebration, and hopefully a trip to the library in there somewhere. Happy fourth of July weekend everyone!


Jack C. Holt said...

Cute (the kids), I'm now using the sunset shot as my desktop background,

Travis'wife said...

That sunset is amazing! Great shot.

A little more Luz said...

I miss your kids. boo hoo